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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Mosquitoes gone!

The last couple of days the mosquitoes are gone from our ponds in town and the dragonfly numbers are way lower. Guess when they run out of mosquitoes they go elsewhere. Maybe I shouldn't hate mosquitoes... quite so much anyway. It's not as if I get welts from their bites either.

Here's a female Orange Sulphur that I tried unsuccessfully to make into a Clouded Sulphur, which would have been a lifer for me. The dark dots near the fringe of the forewing disabused me of that notion though.

I did find a pair of mating Variegated Meadowhawks. I'm not fast enough to get decent flight shots of it.


UPDATE: Odonata Central, an online database that I consider to be like a records committee, has accepted my submission of Striped Saddlebags. That makes it official! I can count it as a lifer.

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